Principal’s Message

Ar. Suhas S. Talekar
B.Arch. M.C.P. (IIT. Kharagpur),Principal,YSPM,Satara
Architecture is one of the four professions recognized by the Education -Ministry in India along with Medicine, Law and Chartered Accountancy.
It is not just designing; making layouts and getting them sanctioned from local authorities, but is an art of creating spaces: spaces that are built and unbuilt, spaces that create an environment appropriate for the required use. The role of the architect lies, not only planning for a specific activity in a space, but also to make the space interesting, inviting, imposing and comfortable.
Creativity and visualization being the prime aspect of the architect, he also needs to have an updated knowledge of how to bring his imagination to physical existence on the earth.
In the world where everything is measured by yard stick of success, we will teach our students to think logically & analytically with freedom to move towards their goals with focused vision.
We will expose the young architects to important projects of nation’s connectivity through rail, road, bridges, tunnels which will help in excelling their capabilities as professionals.
We will make the students aware about the new challenges in the field of architecture with sustainability issues such as green construction, eco friendly architecture, rainwater harvesting, and the optimum use of solar energy.
We will produce trained architects for developing nations to shoulder the responsibility of infrastructure. Particularly in providing low cost housing, well equipped hospitals addressing health issues, wide range of luxury and economy hotels to promote tourism in both urban and peri-urban areas amongst other infrastructure requirements.